Auto focus revisited

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Auto focus revisited

Post by zkmiller »

Well, I have just replaced the RDLC320-A DSP with the AWC608. I finally got all the motors going the correct directions homing to the upper right corner. I have an auto focus sensor mounted on the laser head and cannot seem to get auto focus to work the way it did with the RDLC controller. With the RDLC auto focus would raise the z-table to the auto focus sensor and then lower it to the predefined distance from the laser head. With the AWC the auto focus button raises the z-table to the auto focus sensor and stops with a 'Tripped limit' error on the LCD display. This is with the 'Z axis for autofocus' checked. I don't know what else needs to be set to get auto focus to work. Any suggestions on where to start?

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Re: Auto focus revisited

Post by Tech_Marco »

Hello Zeke:

I think the programmer forgot to include one of parameter that used to tell Z the focus distance. In your case, it seems that you don't have a 'Z' home switch install but relied on the auto focus sensor, wasn't it true?

I sent a note to the programmer and asked him to evaluate the case. I suggested him to add the Z focus distance (customer fill the data) and reminded him to use the Z focus sensor as the Z home senor if there is no Z home sensor installed, or if the laser head is lower than the Z sensor switch (it happen if one use long focus lens like 100mm or 150mm)

Note: Z home sensor (limit switch) is NOT equal to the Z auto focus sensor

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Re: Auto focus revisited

Post by zkmiller »


Thanks for the reply. If the auto-focus sensor is not the same as the z-limit sensor where should I connect the auto-focus sensor to the controller? That may be my mistake.

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Re: Auto focus revisited

Post by zkmiller »

I sort of assumed that the z-limit/home switch could be the same as the auto-focus switch depending on the mode that the controller is in. If I press the auto-focus button and the z-limit/home/auto-focus switch is closed then it would treat it as an auto-focus sensor. If I am just moving the z-table up and close the z-limit/home/auto-focus switch is closed then an e-stop would occur. Does that make any sense? I don't use auto home on power up. Basically I don't want my z-table to move unless I move it via the arrow buttons or the auto-focus button.

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Re: Auto focus revisited

Post by Tech_Marco »

I talked to the programmer and I was wrong to say that he forgot to include the parameter setup. In fact he did but it is doing on the LCD control unit rather than using the LaserCad. He was so happy to have my leg pulled as I always teasing for not doing good job on this or that

Anyway, he said that only one limit switch is needed which in this case is the auto focus sensor probe

I haven't installed a auto focus on my machines but I will use the default setup, the "Z" limit switch to simulate the process. In fact, I'm designing a sensor probe for the Auto Focus. I'll give it a try once completed. It is almost done but need a mount to hold on on the laser head. But it won't take me long to complete the project as I will use acrylic to make up the mount

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Re: Auto focus revisited

Post by zkmiller »

So, does that mean that it should already work? Or will there be a patch for the LCD? If it should already work what do I need to do to make it work for me?

This is a picture of the sensor I have on my machine:
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Re: Auto focus revisited

Post by Tech_Marco »

Nice probe! It should work

Let me send you an update of the OS as we changed a bit of something and make the 'Z' better
Check your email and PM

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Re: Auto focus revisited

Post by zkmiller »


I installed the update you sent me and I still get the same response. When I press the 'Z/U->Auto Focus' option from the control panel the z-table moves up until the z-limit/auto-focus switch is engaged and stops with the error 'Trigger Limit!' on the LCD. My settings in LC are as shown below.

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Re: Auto focus revisited

Post by zkmiller »


Since you have it working for you, could you share your settings and controller connections so that I can find out what I am doing wrong? I would really appreciate it.


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Re: Auto focus revisited

Post by zkmiller »

How about a little help here? I still have not got this working for me and I would like a little help finding what I have done wrong.

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Re: Auto focus revisited

Post by Tech_Marco »

You need to do two things: enable "Z home on " and set the "Autofocus dstance" parameter on the LCD unit. I discussed this with the programmer that no Z limit switch needed as the autofocus sensor will ac as the Z limit switch

Therefore, the autofocus sensor must be working good or the Z table could hit the ceiling without limit control.

I will install anther Z limit switch AFTER the auto focus probe just in case the autofocus probe failure or defective

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Re: Auto focus revisited

Post by zkmiller »


I have enabled Z home as I indicated in my previous post. I set the focus distance to 30mm and I still get a Limit triggered error. So I really need to know how you have things configured to make it work. Exactly where should my Z limit/Auto Focus sensor be connected to the controller? I have it connected to the z limit input.

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Re: Auto focus revisited

Post by Tech_Marco »

I didn't see that you have Z home enabled from your previos post. Show me where. Plus, once you made change, you need to Save it and prrss RESET on the LCD control panel to apply the change focus is a little diferent than than your card. It wont do auto focus when power up. Instead, it stay to the default until you made some change on Z, then press "Auto Focus" and the Z table will move up till the object touch the sensor probe. Then the Z bed move downward to the distance you set

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Re: Auto focus revisited

Post by zkmiller »

Sorry if my posts have not been clear. I will try to make clear what I have done to try and make this work and see if we can figure out what I need to change.

“I didn't see that you have Z home enabled from your previos post. Show me where. “
Please refer to my post of April 4th where I attached screen shots of the Z/U Axis settings where I checked the box for ‘Z axis for autofocus’.

“Plus, once you made change, you need to Save it and prrss RESET on the LCD control panel to apply the change”
I did a reset after saving the changes

“ focus is a little diferent than than your card.”
Are you telling me that my card is not an AWC608?

“It wont do auto focus when power up.”
That is ok for me…

“Instead, it stay to the default until you made some change on Z, then press "Auto Focus" and the Z table will move up till the object touch the sensor probe. Then the Z bed move downward to the distance you set”
Here is where I have the problem. The Z axis has been lowered to allow placement of the work piece. I then perform the following steps:
1. I press the “Z/U” button on the LCD panel.
2. The default action becomes Auto Focus and I press the “Enter” key
a. The Z table moves up to the Z axis limit/auto focus sensor
b. LCD displays “Auto focus…” while the Z table is moving up.
c. The Z table contacts the Z axis limit/auto focus sensor and stops
d. The LCD displays “Trigger limit!”
e. The Z table does not move after this.

So, I still think that I might have the Z limit/auto focus sensor connected to the wrong pin on the controller. You have not described your connections so that I can to compare mine.
AWC608_04.JPG (116.41 KiB) Viewed 42248 times
AWC608_03.JPG (121.7 KiB) Viewed 42248 times
AWC608_02.JPG (120.52 KiB) Viewed 42248 times
AWC608_01.JPG (123.44 KiB) Viewed 42248 times
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Re: Auto focus revisited

Post by Tech_Marco »


If you have paid just a little attention to my post, I emphasized that the "Z home on power" to be enabled. It is not just enable the Auto Focus alone. You need to have both checked!
So, check on that option and let me know if it works out
The connection is Gnd and Z-, nothing rlse different
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