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Gweike power supply connections

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 10:56 am
by brian257
I am retrofitting a Gweike laser with a Lightobject DSP. The power supply has no marking as to what pin does what on the connector. I know the connector on the left is the AC input. Can anyone tell me what the connections on the right side connector are and what they should connect to on the DSP end? Of course on the old Gweike DSP there are no markings on the connector on that end either so I am completely without any information.
laser supply.jpg
laser supply.jpg (103.33 KiB) Viewed 2801 times

Re: Gweike power supply connections

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 12:24 pm
by brian257
Hmmm, just found a manual online for the Leetro MPC6515 DSP that was in the laser and it shows an analog output for the laser so my thinking is that I am going to have to replace the power supply with one that has PWM input unless someone knows different.

Re: Gweike power supply connections

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 9:23 am
by Techgraphix
Hmmm... where did you found this laser? Looks like it was on a junkyard for years... just curious.


Re: Gweike power supply connections

Posted: Wed May 02, 2018 1:27 pm
by brian257
I found it on Craigslist for about $500. A guy had it in a shed in his backyard for a few years and rats and/or squirrels ate all of the wiring and belts. It was filled with leaves, shells from nuts, acorns, and rat turds. Mirrors were all oxidized. The tube in it didn't work, but had a spare new Reci tube with it and that works. So far I have added an LO DSP system, new power supply, and alll new optics and mounts with 35mm mirrors, 25mm head, and beam expander. I probably have $2,000 or a little more in it, but still half the price of a new Gweike, but a better laser than when it was new.