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Opposite Cutting

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 5:56 am
by richardorlando18
Hey guys! Please Help me out.

I am trying to cut this box on its origin and when I press start the laser collides with the frame at the bottom and then start cutting on the opposite side of the table

I have tried everyting, I switch negative to positive and made the 4 posible combinations with them (+ &-)in each section and nothing. the three positions are in left up. I marked x 0 y 0 as origin and the um is in perfect conditions because the 100x100 box is cutted 100x100.

Thanks in advance


Re: Opposite Cutting

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 4:08 pm
by mrsunnylam
Any limit switches?

Re: Opposite Cutting

Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 9:19 am
by mrsunnylam
Kinda sounds like your UM/PULSE is off, you may need to move your origin to the center. then cut a 50mmX50mm square measure it. For example, if your X axis is off, click the box with the 3 dots on it. The program will ask you your desired measurement and actual measurement.The program has an algorithm in it that will change the workspace you can work in. Cut the 50mmX50mm box again then measure it one the 4th box you made.