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Laser psu trips household breaker

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 8:03 am
by jamesgates1000
I recently upgraded my Yueming laser cutter with an lo-x7, new steppers and laser psu. First I got the new control and steppers working. Then added the laser psu, the laser tube is quite old and would not cut anymore. But when the laser psu is attached to the dsp it trips the house breaker when I turn the machine on. Any ideas why this could be? Does the psu pull a large current when it is powered up?

Re: Laser psu trips household breaker

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 8:33 am
by Tech_Marco
The tube may be gone or gas leaking. Therefore, most current didn't go through the tube but to the ground. Your breaker may sens the current leak and triggered
